Video games have gotten a bad rap from those who don’t play them, and are often dismissed as a sexy pastime for kids. But gamers know otherwise.
They are a way to unwind, relax and have some “me” time. As long as it doesn’t interfere with real life responsibilities, gaming is perfectly fine for adults.
Nintendo Labo
Video games have long been associated with children and teenagers, but a new report shows that adults are increasingly playing video games. The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) has found that the majority of gamers are 18 to 34 years old, but older people are also joining the ranks. In fact, the number of gamers over 65 has risen by 12 million in six years, making this an important demographic for video game publishers.
One of the most interesting new releases this year was Nintendo Labo, which is part game and part construction kit. The kits come with cardboard cut-outs that are used in conjunction with the Nintendo Switch console display and Joy-Con controllers to create interactive toys. Players can use the kits to play games that let them explore an alien planet, paint 3D works of art, dive into a photo safari or soar through the sky.
Studies have shown that playing video games can increase happiness and relaxation levels. This is because the brain responds to pleasurable experiences by releasing dopamine. Gamers can also feel a sense of accomplishment by beating difficult challenges or achieving milestones in a game, which gives them a positive boost. In addition, many gamers like to share their enjoyment with other people by broadcasting their gameplay on websites such as YouTube or Twitch. This can be a great way to connect with family and friends.
Minecraft is a popular game that allows players to build, create and explore worlds that are limited only by their imagination. It encourages creativity, cooperation and problem-solving. In addition, it has a multiplayer mode that lets kids play with friends or strangers. It’s important to talk with your child about playing with strangers and the possibility of online predation when using any video game that allows players to interact with other players through chat. While the in-game chat has filters that prevent bad language, it’s a good idea to use parental controls to limit screen time and to discourage your child from playing with people they don’t know.
The game is a massive hit with kids, particularly those between 6 and 13 years old. Its popularity has even led to some schools incorporating the game into their curriculum. Kids can create anything in the game from cities to roller coasters, and they can learn about architecture, design and building techniques. They can also learn about different historic periods and cultures.
For older adults, gaming is an activity that can bring people together in a fun and social environment. It can also help them relieve stress and find a sense of achievement. It’s no wonder that adults over 50 are growing more comfortable with gaming as a pastime.
Final Fantasy XV
Video games require an immense amount of imagination and creativity. They also help to build problem-solving skills and attention to detail. In fact, one study found that people who played video games for two hours per day over a two-week period saw greater improvements in their spatial ability than those who didn’t play.
Despite being plagued with a few graphical issues, Final Fantasy XV is a beautiful and engrossing game that is sure to please veterans of the series and newcomers alike. It has taken quite a few risks to make it different from past installments and JRPGs in general, and it ultimately succeeded.
While the story is a bit lacking and the rest of the cast fizzles out (Cinna and Cindy have no reason to be included in the plot and Noctis’ love life is never fully developed), the world of Eos is a sight to behold. From the luscious scenery to the slick set pieces, Final Fantasy XV is a feast for the eyes.
Even when it gets sluggish and awkward with one of the worst gameplay segments in a long time, FFXV manages to stay afloat thanks to its charming and endearing cast of characters. It’s a flawed but enchanting adventure that is well worth the long wait. In a gaming world that often sees games marketed towards teenage boys, it’s refreshing to have an open-world RPG that caters to an audience of all ages.
Star Wars Battlefront II
Despite the common stereotype of video games being a medium dominated by kids, tweens and young teens, many adults are gaming as well. In fact, according to a report from the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), three-quarters of American gamers are over the age of 18.
In addition, older people who play video games are having an impact on the industry as a whole. The ESA found that gamers over 50 spend an average of $3.5 billion on gaming in a six-month period, up from $523 million in 2016. This increase in spending is likely helping to influence which games are made and will be successful, giving this group a lot of power within the industry.
Gamers over 50 also tend to play video games more often than younger people. In the 2019 ESA survey, 49 percent of gamers age 50 and older said they played regularly, up from 40 percent just three years prior. Most of these older gamers are partnering with their family members, including spouses and grandchildren, to play games together.
Whether they’re playing Star Wars Battlefront II or the classic bejeweled, it’s clear that gamers over 50 aren’t interested in the idea of “getting old.” In fact, a new study published in the journal “Computers in Human Behavior” found that older adults who play video games have more balanced perspectives on life and are happier than non-gamers.