Gta 5 is approaching a decade old, but gamers are still finding new experiences with the massive video game. That’s because Rockstar Games loves to include references to their other games and popular culture in their worlds for players to discover.
One of the most notable examples is Jolene Cranley-Evans’ ghost on Mount Chiliad. It tells a tragic story that expands the game’s universe.
Ghost Whisperer
Antique shop owner Melinda Gordon (Jennifer Love Hewitt) lives a quiet life, until she begins to see and talk to ghosts. As an expert in the supernatural, Melinda helps earthbound souls finish their unfinished business and move on to the light. But there are those who question her abilities, and even Melinda herself sometimes struggles with her own heightened emotions.
The TV series Ghost Whisperer aired from September 2005 to May 2010 on CBS. Its five season run saw a number of major changes, including the death of a major character, a wedding, and a baby. It also gave rise to an internet spin-off series called Ghost Whisperer: The Other Side. The web series is set in the same narrative universe as the television series, but tells stories from the perspective of the earthbound spirits. Several of the webisodes are based on episodes from the television series, and Zach from the television series reprises his role in some of them.
Fans of the show have pointed out that it resembles a hybrid of Murder, She Wrote, Highway to Heaven, Touched by an Angel, and Medium, but with more romance. On the other hand, some critics have complained that Ghost Whisperer is too much of a tearjerker, too girly, and overwrought.
The Control Tower
GTA games are known for pushing boundaries that other video game developers wouldn’t even dream of, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise to find out that there is a secret website within the game that features some extremely disturbing images of God and a fictional atheist group. This secret site has been discovered by players and recently went viral thanks to a TikTok user who highlighted it in a video that quickly gained popularity.
The location of this website in the Fort Zancudo military base makes it difficult for players to access, but those who are able to do so are rewarded with a Mini Gun. The site can be accessed by entering a specific URL in the in-game internet browser, which is available in all GTA 5 story mode missions.
Once the player reaches the webpage, they are invited to “play God,” which causes the screen to display two different scenarios. In the first, a family is pictured vacationing in Los Santos, with the dog running around and everyone looking happy. However, when the player clicks on the second option, they are shown a graphic image of a car accident with many people suffering severe dismemberment.
The secret website is a fitting nod to the series’ well-documented irreverence and willingness to poke fun at any topic, including religion. However, it also reflects the fact that Rockstar has a tendency to include references and Easter eggs from other movies and popular culture in their titles.
The Epsilon Program
If you’re a fan of GTA V then you probably know the Epsilon Program is back again and this time it isn’t just another weird side mission, but an entire cult. The cult’s return has brought the Kifflom Trophy/Achievement and several other missions that will keep you busy for a while.
The first of the Epsilon Missions is called Seeking The Truth, which can be found when Michael visits the east end of Vinewood and finds Marnie in an alleyway writing on a wall while chanting. She asks him to purchase a pale blue robe from the Epsilon Website and wear it for ten days. He does so and receives a text message from Cris Formage saying that he will be coming to meet him soon. Then a short while later Jimmy Boston will send a text telling him that they need his help retrieving a sacred vessel along the coast.
Both missions are pretty easy to complete, but they’re also fairly lengthy. After completing the missions you’ll want to access the Epsilon Website through your phone or computer and complete the Identity Evaluation questionnaire. The answers have no bearing on the subsequent missions though, so it doesn’t matter what you answer. Once you’ve done this you can find a red truck with a question mark on it in Raton Canyon and head there to complete the side quest, Assuming The Truth.
The Collectibles Map
This handy website is a godsend for anyone struggling to find collectibles or Peyote Plants (when they are available). Once clicked on, the interactive map provides a picture of each location, which can be zoomed in or out as needed. It also has a small arrow at the top to close it down, making it easy to use while in-game.
These guides are a bit messy as they don’t list the collection order, but the guide system is the same in both Story Mode and Online so that shouldn’t be an issue for most players. Additionally, some activities have a Rival level above 3 stars that aren’t required for trophies & achievements, but still don’t show as checked off on the map which makes keeping track of them slightly tricky.
Storehouse is a small area of the game, but it’s packed with a lot of Rot to collect and various other collectibles as well. There are even two dangerous minibosses to take down, so it’s best to come prepared.