Educated coaches help to deliver a positive playing experience for young athletes and a more enjoyable coaching experience for themselves. Continuing education is essential for soccer coaches.
LC is an online learning platform that supports the coaching development process with read-at-your-own pace pages, video downloads and live virtual sessions.
Currently, US Soccer has a number of National “D” License courses in a blended format (virtual classroom and on-field meetings). These are listed below.
Principles of Play
Having a firm grasp of the game’s fundamentals is essential if you want your players to fully harness their technical skills. Unfortunately, coaches often try to skip past the basics and get into more complex tactics, which can stunt a player’s development. To solve this problem, two experts in youth coaching have created a new course called Coaching the Principles of Play – Attack and Defense.
The course breaks down the principles of attacking into digestible chunks, including pressure, penetration, width, and depth. It also offers a variety of drills that help players understand what they need to do and why, in a range of different attacking situations.
US Soccer’s Grassroot’s courses are designed to give coaches at all levels the training and support they need to create better player environments. These courses are accessible via the US Soccer’s eLearning platform, and feature read-at-your-own-pace pages and video content. They are available for free and are intended to help coach developers develop their knowledge of the game.
Coaching at the Youth Level
Coaching youth soccer can be a great experience for any coach. Unfortunately, coaches can sometimes fall into the trap of living up to expectations they don’t have a right to put on themselves or their players. Creating practices that are based upon games and providing variation allows for players to experiment, be creative and problem solve on their own, which makes the game fun and more likely that they will love it and stay in the sport for life.
For those interested in developing their coaching knowledge, US Youth Soccer offers the National “C” License. This course focuses on the close relationship between technique and tactics, as well as how the game environment impacts player development. Also, consider completing the free online Heads Up training offered by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Soccer to help educate coaches about concussions. For more information, visit your local State Association or US Youth Soccer.
Grassroot’s Coaching Licenses
The new Grassroots Coaching License courses have been designed to empower coaches through experiential learning and a player-centered approach. These courses reflect the current soccer landscape with a focus on small-sided games, and allow all types of soccer organizations to deliver useful coaching education from novice to intermediate in an accommodating way.
Prospective coaches have the choice of engaging in these new in-person and online experiences – in any order – after completing a free introductory course. The F and E licensing courses have transitioned out of the US Soccer Coaching Pathway, but both certifications remain relevant as a means to advance in the grassroots pathway.
PA West Soccer will be offering all the Grassroot’s Courses in the new blended format. These courses will consist of two parts, the first meeting is a webinar that will be done online and the second is a field component that will take place at Julius West MS. Coaches must complete BOTH components to get their License.
Coaching Healthy Habits
A soccer coach who is fair, conscientious and empathetic will earn the respect of his players and their trust. This will allow him to create an environment where learning is the primary goal. Rather than setting lofty goals, successful coaches set goals that focus on improving each training session and game.
A strong coaching philosophy allows a coach to make effective decisions in any situation. This is especially important when a team is facing adversity. A good coach will also keep training sessions dynamic and exciting to make sure his players are engaged.
To help more coaches advance in the sport, TCSL facilitates U.S. Soccer courses in member clubs’ home environments. This includes Grassroots Licenses, A Youth and A Adult Courses and the C License Course. All of these courses require a background check and in-person attendance. TCSL will register coaches for the course, host an instructor and handle all other administrative details of the event.